Sad Attitude Quotes In English || Best Sad Attitude Quotes In English - Quotes Goals


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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Sad Attitude Quotes In English || Best Sad Attitude Quotes In English

 Sad Attitude Quotes In English || Best Sad Attitude Quotes In English

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sad girl images

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 Sad Attitude Quotes In English

It was my destiny to get lost together.
Wow how strange this pain was.

Happy is he who lives
love the body
because to love
often saw people in agony

you have seen my desperation
see my patience now
i'll be so quiet
that you will cry

First make sure it's ours
Then why don't you forget

I would say that I was in love but
what happened
was not worthy of love.

if the time is bad
going down
when the mind is bad
I'll take a moment's account

Don't show so much attitude of your mind,
as much as your mind
so bad for me

once before you misunderstand someone
Make sure to try to know his condition.

If you want to be different
In this crowd of the world,
So do it,
what is not written in the lines of the hands

While walking, only think of my steps,
Which way should I turn, then I can find you.

Best Sad Attitude Quotes In English

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sad girl images

People say love is a deception
But the truth is that a true girl gets a wrong boy.
And a true boy finds a wrong girl

Life is a series of journeys,
Some got lost, some got lost
Whomever was asked in prayers day and night,
Someone else got it without asking.

There was no love except you,
Maybe you took advantage of this

Do not tear your eyes, give rest to your heart,
what sees me pay attention to your person

stick to it
The idea of ​​my fame
He salutes me
whom you salute

Cigarette was lit to forget your memory,
But the fucking smoke made you picture

only time will change
today is yours tomorrow will be mine

who have a good heart
Often their luck is bad.

Maybe someone is doing my lack
only then you don't remember me anymore

an age has passed
didn't understand it
who are in love
why don't they appreciate.

Sad Attitude Quotes in English for Boy

Just one last ritual is going on between us
Remember each other but don't talk

Abandoned loafers then people started forgetting us
fame used to kiss steps when infamous used to be

love is the sin that everyone commits
But only the faithful get the punishment

There was no sound, no spectacle,
broke silently,
I had a trust in you

Will appreciate us too one day to see
Just let this bad habit of goodness go away.

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